Monthly Archives: September 2020

The Presidential Election of 2020……. May God Help America!

I mean that sincerely, may God help the upcoming presidential election because if Biden / Harris manage to manipulate their way into office, God is the ONLY one that will be able to help the United States. This country will be a country controlled by socialists, there will be no decent health care, physicians, education, the food supply during Covid was just a taste of what’s to come, you think there is a shortage of housing already and that there aren’t enough of our vets and entire families on the streets homeless? Wait and see how much worse it gets when the small plugs Trump has put on the dam of immigrants flooding the country are gone and the entire dam smashed down so that the flood will be never ending! And then there is the fact that already democrats support allowing both legal and ILLEGAL immigrants into this country, the illegals go to a sanctuary city UNDOCUMENTED, in other words there is no health screening what so ever so they bring in a laundry list of diseases, ones that had once been eradicated here.

The Covid-19 pandemic just gave Americans a small glimpse of what life will become if Biden/Harris snake their way into office and believe me that will be this country’s worse case scenario.This country will be unrecognizable to all of us, as it stands the democrats want all religious artifacts removed from all public places (likely because of the Muslims in the house that already disrespect the Holy Bible), they are not satisfied with supporting the killing of FULL TERM, HEALTHY newborn babies, heaven knows what age they will raise the newborn to. Nothing good can come from democrats being in control and how dire things will be if they control the office of President.

I hate to go all biblical on you here but seriously, I can’t help but wonder if what the book of Revelations refers to is democrats taking over the United States, no joke. Face it folks the horrible events in Revelations was predicted long ago yes, but nearly all of the warning signs the Bible speaks of have already begun, I think that because so many times over the decades there would be a fanatic that would insist that the world would end on a particular date, each time that has happened people are of the mindset, yeah right it hasn’t happened yet and so and so has said numerous times that it would so it’s all hogwash. Funny though that the good book also mentions that, how people will be “asleep” when it happens and miss the signs, people will be disbelievers, etc. My point is that democrats have slithered in and have pushed and pushed for changes to our society that will bring no good and in fact be detrimental to our already fragile way of life. The economy that Trump had improved so much will be destroyed with their socialistic agenda, every intelligent person knows that there will be NO decent healthcare/physicians, both will cease to be. I can’t say that I blame the doctors either, they go into debt hundreds of thousands of dollars to become physicians and yes, they know that they will make good money after they do, and if you were a doctor and you suddenly found yourself in a country full of socialists, you’d relocate to another country and so would I. What does that leave? That leaves a shortage of competent physicians so don’t think that you or your loved ones will receive any good healthcare or doctors.

What this pandemic should have taught every American is #1) We need to vote for ANY party other than democrats so that they hold NO majorities what so ever. #2) If you thought it was cruel that Trump wants to change the laws for all of these immigrants straining this country to it’s breaking point, think back to taking those trips to the stores when there was nothing on the shelves, no toilet paper, pasta, disinfectants of any kind, paper towels, tissues, napkins, bread, milk, creamer, eggs, butter, peanut butter, yeast, flour, sugar, coffee, no chicken, beef or pork, the list goes on and on. That was merely a glimpse at what’s to come, seriously, there is only so much in the way of housing, food, medical care and at what point do we worry about our own? There are entire families on the streets homeless, along with to many veterans to count, men who gave it all for their country and they aren’t getting a damned thing handed to them! The democrats support sanctuary cities hell they want more of them so that they can illegally get their votes and in they pour with no screening. What does that mean? It means future pandemics for diseases that we had once eradicated, many make covid-19 look like a common cold! #3) At a time when Americans were ALL struggling to survive Trump wanted to allow the country relief but in typical democrat fashion they held it all up, didn’t want to give enough, were worried that they would have to give for a second time and worst of all, tried to make it a political game again to get what they wanted from Trump, basically holding struggling Americans hostage!

The democrats have fueled the racial tensions every chance they have gotten and now look at the sorry state this country is in as a result. There is no change for the better going on, instead they have actually created racial tension and hate where there wasn’t any before this. The single, one and only aim that every democrat has wasted their entire terms focusing on is getting rid of the elected leader of this country, Trump. What do they have to show for their terms, not a damned thing but to waste God awful sums of taxpayer dollars on bogus investigations, they have harassed and slandered the President and have completely disregarded all of the laws of the land in their attempts to get him out. They have showed their true colors and now believe their candidate will be elected into office!

Biden/Harris will destroy what is left of this country and voting his way is in reality voting for Kamala Harris, the same one that Americans didn’t want when she campaigned on her own. Biden most definitely appears to be suffering from pre-dementia and as hard as the dems have tried to conceal it, it is far too apparent. I know that Biden would be this country’s downfall but Harris will be even worse! They may as well just list Kamala alone on the ticket because Joe Biden will progressively get worse and he’s pretty bad already. May God help America this election and by some miracle we’d all better pray that they do not succeed in manipulating the votes, more incidences of Trump votes being “accidentally” thrown away like the batch that was mentioned on the news, more deceased peoples names used as votes for Biden over and over again and illegal immigrants encouraged by democrats to vote, knowing full well it’s illegal!

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Posted by on September 25, 2020 in Politics


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Divided We Stand


Never before in history has the United States been as torn as it currently is. United we stand, divided we fall is an absolute truth and this nation is shredded right down the middle. Regardless of your affiliation the fact is that this all began with the democratic politicians being put into office, tipping the scales in their favor and destroying an already fragile society. We were finally coming to a place where skin color made no difference but in typical democrat fashion, the radical zealots sitting in the “house” saw race as a wound that they could rip open all over again and use to their political advantage. Some American’s talk about President Trump and HIS hateful ways? Open your eyes, if you look in the dictionary under hate, Pelosi and all of her henchmen will be there. Hate is deciding that you personally hate someone so you go out and incite hate in others against the same person or people and then begin a witch hunt, breaking, bending, manipulating all laws of the land, as well as moral laws. The same democratic left wing zealots have no respect for anyone, it never mattered to them that Trump was voted into office, they weren’t happy with the voices of America and did everything in and out of their power to push their own political agendas.

Proud to be an American? Yes, many citizens once were,look at the number of American soldiers that have lost their lives fighting for this country, fighting for what is right, soldiers that knew the meaning of the word honor. Many of our military people support Trump, funny how early on the mail in ballots from some of the our enlistees were “accidentally” thrown in the garbage and the ,majority of them were for Trump!  There is a serious danger here that the democrats that will stop at nothing to put Biden / Harris into office, in spite of the fact that no one wanted Kamala Harris when she attempted her own run. With all of the Trump voters casting their votes, we will know for certain that there was voter number tampering if Biden supposedly wins this Presidential election, no true American citizen wants to wake up living in a socialist country, every person that TRULY knows what socialism is, ones that have actually bothered to educate themselves as to what it entails, if they didn’t already know, would ever support that!

If you don’t already know people that are homeless, people with nothing at all, no job/money, no roof over their head, no food on the table, no transportation, no medical care, not a damned thing….. you will if Biden/Harris take over the seat of President. We will be back to the open border BS that put us under to begin with, say goodbye to religious freedom ( any religion ), you’ll be supporting killing perfectly healthy, full term babies AFTER they are born! Kiss your right to protect yourself goodbye, your so called freedom of speech (what shred is left already), your police to protect you. However you can say hello to the worst pandemic this planet has ever seen, which one is anyone’s guess, it will depend on the illegal immigrant bringing it in. Welcome China’s garbage wares that will be all over the shelves of our stores again because we’ll be back to nothing being made in the United States, which also affects the number of jobs here which are more scarce than ever since covid.

If you notice I keep mentioning Biden/HARRIS, that’s because SHE will end up being president and that one there, her agenda goes far beyond that! You don’t have to like Trump personally but he has been the voice of American’s his entire term, he has addressed those things that citizens have had to be afraid to complain about, like immigration laws and gun laws. If the democrats had done their jobs, done anything at all then Trump would truly have made America great again. He tried to keep all of his campaign promises, unlike every other President before him but each time he did, the democrats got into the sandbox to play their games to prevent him from bettering this nation, after all bettering the nation wouldn’t benefit any of them! Biden/Harris, Pelosi and all of her henchmen are a poison to this country, a toxin that has eroded the very foundation of what our society was built upon and if American’s make the same mistake they made the last time by tipping the scales in their favor once again, there’s no going back! The damage will have been done and no one will be able to save this country or any citizen in it. Pray to God that this one election, this one time that democrats don’t manipulate votes, we can only hope seeing all of the other dirty tricks they have pulled, like wanting to pack the court! They will be the final nail in the great American coffin and all of the enemies of this country know it.

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Posted by on September 24, 2020 in Politics


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Why Tim & Veronica Will Cost Pillow Talk Loyal Viewers, A Review

90 Day Fiance’s Pillow Talk was once a guilty pleasure for many viewers, it seems the powers that be take what proves to be a hit and keep adding spin offs to each! It gets to be a bit much but the Pillow Talk’s were often hilarious, only because of the “talkers” they cast, they make or break the shows! It should have been easy to weed out those faces that viewers adored from those that literally made some of us stop watching all together, the keywords there are should have been.

Loren & Alexi, David & Annie and Molly & Cynthia are the primary reasons that viewers tune in each episode. Tarik & Dean were loved by viewers but in spite of supposed freedom of speech, by sharing their comments made in jest, they were removed from the show. There have been a load of couples that have turned viewers off to the point of them “turning off the show” and watching something worthy of watching. Recently word spread around the web that finally someone got a clue and that those loyal viewers could tune back in to Pillow Talk because Tim & Veronica would no longer be part of the cast. Lo and behold we tune back in and who is plastered on our screens? Tim & Veronica! Paola and Russ were much more entertaining than those two, it’s worse that the loyal viewers were teased by making them believe that finally the show was getting rid of the “dead weight” and returning to what made it a hit to begin with.

For Tim & Veronica to go out of their way to encourage people to sign a petition to keep them speaks volumes, when you look at the number of signatures it reveals even more, proving what a lame attempt it was on Veronica’s part to make herself and Tim appear to be an asset to the show, rather than a detriment. Either they are desperate for that paycheck from Pillow Talk, desperate to wring every last drop out of their five minutes of fame or both, either way it is disgusting. I don’t know of any other current or previous cast member that has engaged in such pathetic, beyond desperate tactics to manipulate both viewers and executives in their attempts to make themselves relevant! For executives to cave and allow Veronica & Tim to continue as part of the Pillow Talk cast is a dangerous move, it shows other wannabe cast members that if they too engage in such deceitful tricks, hell they can demand even more money, more airtime, and God knows what else. The absolute worst part of all of this fiasco is that these two aren’t even people that the majority of viewers can so much as tolerate watching! They are not entertaining, not funny, not interesting and the only purpose they serve is to make us turn the show off and tune in elsewhere. Not to mention that the two were exes when Tim appeared on the show, there are so many other couples that viewers would WANT to watch, ones that would actually draw in new viewers as opposed to driving them away.

Veronica & Tim make fools of TLC and all of the 90 Day Fiance shows, how ludicrous is it that they are being paid money to make viewers not watch the show! It’s most telling when after begging for folks to sign a petition to keep the two of them, encouraging others to demand that they be allowed to remain part of the Pillow Talk cast, suddenly in spite of the small number of signatures, Veronica tans more, more makeup, nails done in bolder colors etc. You ask what is the connection? It shows that she really believes that she is a star and has let the handful (when you look at the overall numbers it’s just that…. merely a handful) of people that she convinced to sign, go to her already overblown head. Considering that SHE was never intended to be a part of ANY of the 90 Day Fiance shows, it’s bizarre that she is the one pushing the hardest, groveling the most and behaving the most desperate to remain on it. Myself and all of the friends that I used to laugh about the show with will continue to turn the channel when Pillow Talk is on, until the day that the show wises up and really does remove Veronica & Tim from the cast. It’s a shame because we all love Loren/Alexi, David/Annie, Molly/Cynthia and Robert/Annie, now they are the true stars that make Pillow Talk a hit.



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Why NONE of TLC’s Pillow Talk Shows Are Worth Watching


First viewers are expected to suffer through Tim & Veronica on one Pillow Talk, after they got rid of Tarik & Dean who viewers really liked, all because they made a comment about Tim that the bosses didn’t like when all of them joke about everyone (did someone say freedom of speech). Veronica was never really a legit part of the show anyway and then as if that isn’t bad enough, she really thinks that she can drum up tens of thousands of signatures by going online begging for supporters for their cause! Soo TLC powers that be cave in to her ridiculous demands and manipulation! The fact is that Tim & Veronica are both the dullest, uninteresting people they could show on Pillow Talk, there are so many better options that viewers would actually enjoy watching and tune in for.

And then some genius ( used the word strictly for sarcastic effect ) decides that they will put Angela and her daughter Skyla ( also never a direct part of the show ) on Pillow Talk! Look, it isn’t that viewers won’t be happy with anyone they add to the cast because look at Alexi & Loren and David & Annie, viewers can’t get enough of them. What has happened with me is that with TLC caved to Veronica & Tim but that was one thing if they got rid of them for real, to keep testing the waters with viewers by adding faces that fans clearly do not like, they lost my attention all together. Angela is a brash, mouthy, push people too far personality that isn’t even one viewers could watch because they love to hate her, no, she literally offends viewers with her ways. There is a slight chance that if Michael were there with her viewers could tolerate her by way of him, though it’s unlikely that she’d let him get a word in anyway but her daughter is polar opposite through the eyes of a viewer, she is like watching paint dry, have you ever watched paint dry? No you haven’t because you’d go insane with boredom, need I say more.

I used to enjoy Pillow Talk pre Tim & Veronica but now it’s merely added insult to injury with the addition of Angela & Skyla. I do watch the 90 Day Fiance shows for the most part, though I’m beginning to question the judgement of the person casting the “couples”. I record the show so that I can fast forward through Brittany & Yazan and as nice natured as Armando is, Kenneth is not an interesting, seems introverted and judgmental which in itself is strange. Ariela and Biniyam, well he is interesting as far as his part in the relationship, his culture, etc. and although she seems like a nice enough girl, from a viewer standpoint there is nothing to keep the viewers attention, when it comes to her. It’s rather sad to say but I’m strictly speaking as a viewer of the show and if you can’t grab and KEEP the viewers attention then they will quickly become bored and turn the channel.

I no longer watch any of the Pillow Talk episodes at all, while I love Alexi & Loren and David & Annie it became a case of them not being able to carry the show alone because of the negative the others bring, so negative that the good can’t outweigh the bad. Let’s hope that the 90 Day Fiance shows don’t go downhill as well, they have slid a bit in that direction this season but so far not enough to lose viewers all together. We can only hope that they get a new casting director or that the one they have will use better judgement.


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