Dem Politicians And This Racial Divide

30 Jun

There has been a change taking place in our society here in America, needless to say the democratic politicians have been behind it all along and it is certainly not a good thing. Racism was, not so long ago a thing of the past for the most part, enter old man Biden and his cohorts and suddenly racism is alive and thriving. Do you know why? By the radicals incessantly stirring the pot they have single handedly created resentment where there had previously been none. With the demands to remove statues that represented critical times in our history, by allowing riots that included vandalizing the property of citizens of this country trying to make ends meet, stealing everything from stores that were broken into, closing down portions of cities and all of this goes unpunished! To add insult to injury the same radical politicians want to rewrite history! Don’t teach truth in schools but rather teach lies and dub in what they would have preferred to have happened historically. A real sore spot is robbing us of what little shred of freedom of speech is left, and I do mean LITTLE! People losing everything because they voice their opinions or say a word that someone has deemed off limits, dammit people are entitled to their opinions! Not everyone will agree or disagree but the fact is we are supposed to be able to express our opinions without fear of reproach of any kind, yet jobs have been lost and folks have been driven out of their communities just because they expressed their opinions! More disgusting than that is when someone loses everything because of something they said twenty years ago!

Enough is enough already! Though Caucasian and African American may be considered proper terms, the white citizens of this country have had it up to their eyeballs with the CONSTANT accusations of racism against good, decent people, it’s actually causing resentment and tension where there hadn’t been any prior. The radical Dems are eating this up and keep it going so they can APPEAR to the black population like they are white and look at how much they care about non whites! They are trying six ways to Sunday to make their own kind look bad so that they can look good and hopefully make the Af. Americans believe it to garner votes “legitimately” next time around. Most white people are fed up and to their breaking points with this situation!

The very mention of reparations to colored people for a terrible time in history, slavery, is another sore spot! No one in in modern day is at all responsible for that any more than the terrible tragedy of the witch trials. What’s more is that IF money is to be given to right any initial wrong it should absolutely be given to the native Americans, had the horrible things done to the Indians that were here first I might add, not been done and white men not have taken everything from them, slavery would not have ever happened here. When is the last time you saw a native American rioting in the streets, vandalizing property, knocking down statues or demanding changes be made to history itself and ruining someone’s livelihood because they referred to them as Indians or perhaps said that they didn’t care for Native Americans? Personally I like the Native Americans, they are peaceful people and don’t stir any pots and God knows they have more reason than anyone! They were victims of unimaginable treachery, abuse and murder at the hands of the white men that came here and decided to take over, take everything the natives knew away from them!

Instead of banding together, right now there is a huge racial divide and if Dems have their way it will grow ever wider, we stand to lose all the way around if this continues. The USA has far too many enemies as it is, taking advantage of the fact that we have been stuck with the poorest leadership in the history of this country. If the in fighting grows worse than we don’t stand a chance!

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Posted by on June 30, 2021 in All Posts


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