Tag Archives: Biden Oz republican democrats

If You Think Things Are Bad Now ……..


How bad have things become in your life? Have you been shocked by empty store shelves and prices at an all time high? Have you needed formula to feed your baby and cannot find any? What about when you have to get gas in your vehicle, I’m sure that you were bowled over the last time you went to gas up. Now seriously, let me ask you for an honest answer here, when you have been out and about doing your grocery shopping have you noticed more foreigners than you have ever before seen? In a very rural area I have noticed more Indians and Hispanics than ever before in my lifetime! The locals have all noticed it and have become extremely concerned, these are the illegals that Biden has invited into this country and under the cover of darkness flown to all parts (but his own) USA! Make a mental note next time you are out doing your shopping, they often use 2 shopping carts because they are so overloaded with food! They drive brand new cars and not cheap ones either! That formula that your baby needs, do you know why there isn’t any? It’s because it was all sent to the border for the immigrants, for their babies! That is an absolute fact, not propaganda folks!

While our own citizens go without the illegals are GIVEN everything, all with the hope that once again our system of voting can be manipulated and allow these illegals to vote, so once again the democrats can cheat their way in! Biden and his henchmen and henchwomen never gave the slightest damn about American citizens, they are torching this country faster than lightening and every American born citizen is suffering as a result.

We can only pray that somehow they will not get away with cheating again and that Trump or someone like him will get into office, round up all of the immigrants and send them home. Close the asylum loopholes and take any immigrants that were handed citizenship under Bidens rein and revoke the citizenship and send them home! You may think it harsh but I predicted this long ago, common sense tells us that there is only so much to go around in the way of resources and we are well past the breaking point already. We need to take care of our own and as it is our own are going without housing, medical care, jobs, food, their kids are going without as well as babies and why, well because of Biden and his continual inviting of immigrants into this country. Included are hardcore criminals and ones with diseases that we had once eradicated here! Buckle up folks because it’s going to get worse real fast and the damned democrats want you to believe that we’re not in crisis!

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Posted by on June 3, 2022 in Politics


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